Listen and Lead.

Hearing God’s voice as a leader changes everything.

You were made for greater things.

Too many leaders think that success is found in an abundance of activity. We provide online courses and coaching to help you connect with God’s voice and to unlock your potential to do greater things than you could ever have accomplished on your own. Hearing God’s voice as a leader changes everything. Turn your activity into kingdomtivity.


Feel Peace.

When you get connected to God’s voice, you feel a peace that will carry you through every season as a leader.


Find Your Purpose

We believe that every leader was created for a reason. When you get connected to God’s voice, you discover your purpose We want to help you find that purpose and to have greater clarity and focus in your leadership.


Fulfill your Potential

You were made to do greater things. You can only discover those when you get connected to God’s voice. We want to help you become all that you were created to be.


I am here to help you listen to God and lead.

My name is Jonny Christopher, and twenty years ago, I began a journey of learning about hearing God’s voice and applying that to leading. As leaders, there are numerous pressures that keep us from experiencing peace, discovering our purpose, and living out our potential. I have discovered simple, practical tools that can help you overcome those pressures. I have used these tools to grow from doing everything myself and feeling completely tapped out to leading a large team and helping catalyze a learning movement that serves almost one hundred groups. And I am walking in peace along the way. I want to share what I have learned with you.

Learn and receive coaching to unlock your potential.

  • Hearing God for Leaders Course

    Learn how to hear God’s voice and how to apply that to your life as a leader. Feel peace. Find your purpose. Fulfill your potential.

  • Coaching

    One-on-one coaching to help you access the voice of God. We will listen together, and then you can process what you are hearing. Coaching can change your life

  • Listen and lead insights

    Get insights on leadership and hearing God’s voice that will help you avoid the trap of busyness and enter a place of purpose.


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(360) 437-6666