Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Did you know you’re a priest?

Did you know that you were called to be a priest? Understanding your calling us priest can help you bridge the gap between knowing who you are in Christ and what you are called to do.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Hearing God for Leaders Course Launched!

Today is the beginning of a new chapter for you and for me.

It’s a new chapter for me because I have finally launched a course that took me years to prepare called “Hearing God for Leaders.” It’s a new chapter for you because you now have access to this course which I believe has the power to significantly impact your life.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Delegate So You Can Hear God’s Voice

The fascinating thing about spending time alone with God as a leader is that many times you come down the mountain pregnant with vision that demands to be birthed. There are new projects to pioneer, Pharoahs to defeat, and your responsibilities multiply. The very activity that lent you vision creates circumstances that keep you from the mountain of meeting with God.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Gain Clarity when Leadership is Confusing

I’m sure you’ve never experienced this.

The weather was great outside. The agenda you planned for the meeting went off without a hitch. It’s getting toward 5pm and you are ready to go home after a day full of moving the ball forward.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Five keys to defeat Goliath

The deeper I get into building an organization and leading a team, the more that I recognize that your mindset plays the most significant factor in catalyzing long-term sustainable growth in your organization.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Milk and Honey in 2022

What are you going to do today?

This question looms in front of you each day when you wake up and begin your morning routine. Each day you use your praying, brain power, and planning abilities to arrive at its answer.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

Change your 2022. Listen to God’s voice.

2022. It's finally here. And life is full of so many possibilities and predictions. The stock market could go up (or it might go down). Your organization could grow (or it could shrink). You could have major victories this year (or major disappointments).

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

How to be a Shepherd CEO

Who doesn't love a good title? CEO. President. Project Director. Head accountant. Chief Operating Officer.

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Jonny Christopher Jonny Christopher

God will tell you when you need to stop praying

You're a leader and you're busy. You have a to do list that makes others cringe. And one day, as you think about all that you have to do, you hear a still, small voice saying, "Come away with me."

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