Hearing God for Leaders

Feel peace. Find your purpose. Fulfill your potential.

Learn how to be confident in what God is speaking to you as a leader using a simple tool that takes just ten minutes a day.

10 Video Lessons

Engaging, visual presentations designed to help you focus and learn no matter what your learning style is.

For Leaders

Engaging, visual presentations designed to help you focus and learn no matter what your learning style is.

Encounter God

Learn a simple, daily habit that will transform the way you interact with God.

  • "Hearing God for Leaders has been fundamental in deepening my relationship with God and learning how to hear His voice. I use the 10 minute tune-in tool almost daily, and the ways that God has spoken to me during these tune-ins have been transformational in my walk with the Lord"


  • "We went through this course as a new staff team. It helped us understand where everyone on our team was spiritually and also helped tremendously as we were seeking God together for the direction of our new group.”


  • "Hearing God for Leaders has likely been the single most transformational training and tool in my nearly 20 years of being a believer. It has profoundly changed the way I connect with the Lord and for the first time I’ve learned how to actually hear His voice."



  • Everybody is leading something, whether it’s your home or even yourself. There are lessons for everyone in this course, even if you aren’t a leader of a large organization.

  • You will learn multiple principles in the course for discerning whether what you are hearing is from God. This includes sifting the words you get through God’s Word.

  • This is the only course that I have found on hearing God’s voice that is designed specifically for leaders. God spoke in specific ways to leaders in His Word, and this course is based on the things that I learned as I studied these passages. In addition, this course is designed to be very simple and very practical.

  • I have studied hearing God’s voice for over 20 years, and I have used these principles in my leadership, growing a team from zero staff to over 20 paid staff and more than 70 volunteer leaders. By the grace of God, he taught me things during this experience that I will share with you in the course.

A Course to Help You Fulfill Your Potential

You were designed to lead. It’s a part of your God-given identity. And your leadership was designed to have significant impact, whether it’s through business, social enterprise, or ministry.

But busyness and pursuit of small goals can keep you from the impact that you were created for. You can find yourself feeling frustrated, lacking peace, and lacking purpose.

Getting connected to God’s voice can change all of that. It can help you reach your potential. Hearing God for Leaders Course is designed to help you reach your potential without losing your peace.

Just the course


  • Instant access to all course materials

  • Responses to questions through email

With 2 live coaching sessions


  • Instant access to all course materials

  • 2 1-hour coaching sessions to help you go deeper with the material and discern God’s will for your life

For Individuals

For Small Groups or Teams

Just the course


  • For groups of 5-9 people

  • Instant access to all course materials

  • Responses to questions through email


  • Access for 10-20 people

  • Instant access to all course materials

  • Responses to questions through email

With 5 live coaching sessions


  • Per person, for groups of five or more

  • Instant access to all course materials

  • 5 1-hour group calls after every two lessons to help your group go even deeper