Change your 2022. Listen to God’s voice.

2022. It's finally here. And life is full of so many possibilities and predictions. The stock market could go up (or it might go down). Your organization could grow (or it could shrink). You could have major victories this year (or major disappointments).

You start the year with hope that life will be full of more positive than negative and more ups than downs, but you really can't say anything about tomorrow with absolute certainty.

No podcast, no youtube channel, no sermon, even, can tell you what will happen tomorrow.

But there is One who can. There is One who knows exactly what's around the corner. And He also knows what to do in the midst of every rise and fall that will push you up or try to pull you down in the next year.

And He is speaking, talking, and communicating, He wants to help you know what's next and to show you how to navigate whatever it is that is marching towards you at the speed of time.

The key is... knowing how to hear His voice.

I was recently on a call with somebody who was teaching me how to produce music. I don't know a lot about audio engineering, and he started using all kinds of jargon and terms like subtractive EQ and multi-band compression . He would play a track and tell me it sounded "muddy" or "tinny" or "metallic." The truth is that I had no idea what he was talking about. I couldn't hear almost any of what he was hearing.

At first, I was just discouraged, thinking, I'll never understand what all of this means. But then a teammate said, "We really need ear training in order to understand all of this."

Shortly after that, we found a youtube that used those words “ear training” in order to learn how to do sound engineering. I realized I could just put in some time and train my ears to recognize what it is that I am listening to.

God is speaking all the time. And the question is whether we are able to understand what He is saying to us.

One time God spoke from heaven to Jesus. and some people thought it was thunder (John 12:29). Others thought it was an angel.

How many times in 2021 did we think we heard thunder but it was actually God speaking to us?

Hearing God’s voice launches you into greater peace, a greater sense of purpose, and it connects you with your potential.

As a leader, with all of the ups and downs headed toward your team or organization, your ability to hear God’s voice impacts more than just you.

What are you going to do to invest in your ability to hear his voice?

I want to offer you two life-changing ways that you could invest in your ability to hear His voice as a leader.

Hearing God for Leaders Course

The first is taking my course, “Hearing God for Leaders.” I developed this course to give leaders the ability to tap into God’s voice in order to increase the impact of their organizations. I want to see you succeed, and I believe that the principles you learn in this course will set you up to see maximum impact and at the same time increase the level of peace in your life.

I am a leader myself, and hearing God’s voice has helped me to grow our organization to a place where we are seeing significant impact.

This course was designed for you to go through it with your team or organization so that you can all learn the principles together. It’s a series of calls in which we explore basic fundamentals in how to hear God’s voice and then we explore how they can be applied in a life of leadership. Then we explore fundamental questions that leaders should be asking God.

Contact me to find out more.


The second thing you can do is to have me become your coach. Coaching can be a life-changing component in your life. I use a unique blend of tried and true coaching questions and other questions to help you hear God’s voice and integrate what he says into your life. One person I coach said this:

“Jonny’s coaching is truly inspiring, equipping, and life-changing. His powerful questions, sharing of resources, and inviting God into the coaching process helped lift me out of a depression and set me on a trajectory of joy, confidence, and clarity. I can’t recommend his coaching highly enough!”

Both the course, “Hearing God for leaders” and coaching with me would be a significant way that you can invest in your ear training.

And as you connect with God, who knows all that is coming your way and how to handle every one of those situations, you can enter into a greater level of peace and purpose, and you will be that much closer to reaching your potential.

Contact me to find out more.


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