Don't leave God in your quiet time

You're focusing. You're going after it. You're putting your all in. You're running towards the goal that God gave you.And you are prioritizing your time with God, you aren't neglecting key relationships, and you are listening to others (read last week's post to learn about how to prioritize God over your goals).But is that all? Do you do your morning quiet time, check off "prayer" in your to-do list app, and then dive into your work?The reality is that there is another step in executing goals with God. It's a lesson that Moses learned when God threatened to send him into the promised land without His presence (Exodus 33). A person solely focused on productivity would have taken the bait. But Moses knew that execution of goals without the presence of God is a life that isn't worth living. Moses was even ready to give up his goal so that he wouldn't lose God's presence: "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here" (Exodus 33:16).

Together is Better

Conversations with God

I recently was talking to a coworker with whom I am working closely on a project. He turned to me and said, "I really enjoy working with you." I thought about how much I enjoyed working with him as well and said: "Likewise." Doing projects together is just better than doing them alone. There is a joy to accomplishing something with another person.When Jesus called his disciples, he called them to be with him and to preach (Mark 3:14). Doing life together with God and then doing something he commissioned you to do is the essence of the purpose-filled life. It satisfies every desire you have to be successful and to live a full life.

Better Together

It also puts you in a place where you can receive divine wisdom for every situation (God shows you where to go). It gives you the ability to plug into divine pacing (God helps you speed up and slow down). And it allows you to live in a flow of love for others (God helps you to forgive and love your coworkers).But how do you do it? How do you live life with God other than by doing a daily quiet time?


You engage God in conversation throughout your day. You make every moment a conversation. You realize that Holy Spirit is living inside of you and can engage you on everything. By truly cultivating a life of conversation with Holy Spirit, you can begin to execute your goals with God.I am leading multiple programs with an NGO and am helping to lead the beginnings of a church-planting movement. I feel intensely the need to effectively execute my goals. But in the midst of every conversation with staff, every email that I write, and every plan that I make, I try to have a conversation with Holy Spirit. I find that when I include Him, when I talk with Him about what I am doing, the process of producing is full of joy. When I execute the most amazing tasks but I feel distant from the Lord, it's always a second-class feeling. The greatest purpose is found when I meet a goal and I get to be with Him.I think that God looks at us and says, "I enjoy working with you." Let's respond to him and say: "Likewise."


Divine Efficiency - Part 1


Goals or God - who comes first?