Hearing God for leaders

Every one reading this right now is a leader. You’re leading something, whether it’s an organization, a team, your family, or some kind of initiative at work.

Leadership isn’t about top down structures any more where one person is in charge. Instead, organizations are split into various teams where everyone takes a turn leading.

You are a leader.

And as a leader, I bet you’re interested in three things.


You want to lead, but you don’t want to burn out. You want to wake up every day feeling motivated, feeling cool, calm and collected, and ready to tackle all of the leadership problems before you.

Nobody wants to lead out of frustration, despair, anxiety, or fear. You want to lead and grow your organization and experience peace every day.


Leadership is all about knowing where you are headed. You’ve got to know where you’re going to be able to lead anything.

Vision, goals, mission, your “why”.

All of these point towards a crucial ability to see out in front of the ship several miles and make a decision to “go that way.”


You know you were made for greater things. If you don’t feel this, then you wish that you did.

I talk to leaders all the time who question themselves. It’s an inherent part of leadership. Moses, a leader who helped millions of people through the desert started as a leader with these words in Exodus 3:11: “Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

That’s the question. Who am I? We ask it every day. And really the question you should be asking is, “Who can I become?” As you become the person that you were created to be, you access your potential. And everyone in your team or organization is waiting for you to become that person. As you grow, they grow.

As a leader, you want to feel peace. You want to find your purpose. And you want to fulfill your potential.


There’s an enemy to all of this. And it’s pressure.

It’s pressure from the people you are leading, pressure you put on yourself to be something great or do something great, pressure from your to-do list, pressure from your supervisors, clients, investors, supporters, or anyone you are serving.

The pressure causes you to lose your peace when you are pushed in a thousand directions.

It can cause you to lose your direction and your purpose when other people’s opinions drive where you are going.

And it can block you from your potential when you embrace activity and busyness rather than growing as a person.

Hearing God - Pressure Released

I have discovered something that can release all of this pressure. I have been studying how to hear God’s voice for the past twenty years, and I have been applying what I have learned to my life as a leader.

I have discovered a secret.

When you are hearing His voice, you settle into a peace that you can never find in checking things off of your to-do list.

When you are hearing His voice, you discover your purpose, and your direction becomes clear.

When you are hearing His voice, you get connected with the power to become all that you were created to be.

And everyone you are serving as a leader gets to benefit as you have greater peace, know your purpose, and realize your potential.

Listen and Lead

I have been searching for my voice for a long time on this blog, wondering what is the topic that I can write about that will bring life-changing benefit to you. As a leader of a large team that is stewarding the beginnings of a movement, and as someone who has equipped hundreds of people to hear God’s voice, I believe that this is an area where I can help you experience massive change.

I look forward to being your guide and to helping you become the leader that you were created to be.


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