Increase creativity through one simple coaching question

Have you ever noticed that the most valuable members of a team are the ones who can think of the most creative solutions? They come up with the ideas that you wish you had come up with.Some of that is natural talent, but there is another level of creativity that people can access through powerful coaching questions. When you help people around you to increase in their creativity, you can increase your effectiveness as a team.When a person comes to you and they have a problem, chances are that their brain has tried its best to come up with a solution as quickly as possible. In many circumstances, quick decision-making ability is an asset.Take driving, for instance. If you are in the carpool lane and you have thirty seconds to get to the exit (which you forgot about because you were listening to a great podcast), you need to make quick decisions to change lanes.The problem is that our brain's desire to make quick decisions can cut short the process of creativity. When we are moving quickly, there are usually one or two options that we consider: yes or no, right or left, stop or go. When speed is paramount, it is helpful to have less options from which to choose.Coaching Creativity QuestionBut when we make a decision that has ramifications that will play out over several days, weeks, or months, it's important that we access a higher level of creativity to make sure that we settle on the best possible option.Here's a coaching question that you can use with yourself or others to unlock another level of creativity:What are five ways that you could solve this problem?This question forces your brain to slow down and exit quick decision-making mode. Creativity is a discipline, and this question forces the mind to engage in the painful process of seeing a situation from another angle.From a coaching and leadership perspective, ff you see people around you jumping to conclusions and accessing solutions that don't seem fully developed, this question is an easy way to get them to think deeper.Another way to interact with this question is to take this question to God in prayer, to say, "God, what are five ways that I could solve this problem?" Then sit and listen. It might surprise you to see what He says. There are moments when God wants to help you think more creatively rather than just giving you the answer.Coming up with five possible solutions to a problem isn't always appropriate. Sometimes you need to get to your exit and you don't have time to analyze all possible options. But when you or others are making decisions with long-term implications, stopping for five minutes to think of five options will increase creativity and create powerful solutions.


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