Hear God More Clearly By Asking Questions - Four-Step Guide

Do you believe that God can speak to you?Let me say it another way:Do you believe God can answer your questions?If you are feeling like it’s hard to hear God, then you are most likely not asking Him enough questions.I heard God calling me to go into full-time ministry because I asked Him a question. When I was twenty, two weeks in a row, I happened to be at two different churches where two different pastors preached sermons on Paul's conversion (Acts 22). Both of them suggested that we do what Paul did and ask God two questions: "Who are you Lord?" and "What do you want me to do?"I began asking.Shortly after, I was sitting and listening to a different sermon, and there was a call for people to give their lives to full-time ministry. I knew that this was what God wanted me to do, and this was Him answering my question.I have spent the past 20 years researching this idea of how to hear God's voice, and almost every training, seminar, and book has led me to the conclusion that those who ask questions get answers.Significant leaders in the Bible asked questions (Gen 18, Ex 3, Dan 7) . The disciples pulled Jesus aside and asked him questions (Matt 13:10, 19:25, 24:3, Luke 8:9).

Four Step Guide to Asking Questions

You can also ask God more questions and hear Him speak to you more. Follow this four-step guide to asking God any question.1. Recognize the questions you are already asking GodWhen you read the Bible, and you ask the question, "What does this mean?" or "How can I obey this?", you are already asking questions. If you see the ways that God has already been answering your questions, it will give you faith to ask Him other questions.2. Come up with a creative questionDon't start out by limiting yourself in terms of what questions you can ask God. Believe that God is interested in answering any of your questions, and this will free you up to ask Him anything that interests you about either yourself or others.3. Expect God to answer immediatelyWrite down your question and then write down any Scripture, picture, or words that come to mind. You have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), so he will use your thoughts to speak to you. Often-times, God wants to give you an immediate answer to your question. Don't assume that you have to wait or you will always end up waiting.4. Return to your question a week laterAlthough God can answer a question immediately, sometimes He will use your circumstances, a sermon, a book, the Word, or another person to deliver your answer at a later time. Return to your question one week later and review your week to see if God answered your question.In many of the posts in this blog, I will be giving you creative questions you can ask God for various situations.Discussion question: What questions do you already use to hear God either for yourself or others?


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