Emerge From Indecision - How to Hear God for Difficult Decisions

"Yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes... or was it no?" Have you ever had thoughts like this when you were praying about whether to do something?Have you asked God the question, "Should I do this?" and then listened and gotten all kinds of unclear answers?I used to experience this all the time.I would try to do listening prayer and ask questions like "Should I buy this?" or "Should I go to this event?" or "Should I sign up for this class?" The result was usually a string of uncertain yes's and no's in my head. It got even worse when it was something where I was particularly invested in the result.These aren't bad questions, but there is a better way to receive an answer from God than by simply asking yes or no questions.Here are four questions you can try next time you want to dialogue with God about whether you should do something or not.1. God I ask for a picture to show me what you want me to do. I asked this question when I was puzzled as to whether to go on a trip for which I had encountered several obstacles. When I asked for a picture, I saw somebody waiting while a train passed by, and I knew that it meant that I wasn't to "get on this train", that God would open up a door later. Sometimes a picture can help us see a situation from a different perspective and can open us up to hearing God's voice.2. God, what is your vision for my life in this area? Sometimes we get so fixed on the answer to our question that we forget why we are even pursuing a particular activity. When we get God's overall view of a situation (whether it's through a Scripture or just a sense of his mind or heart on a matter), we can make a decision that we know is grounded in his perspective and go forward or stop with confidence.3. If you want me to do this, give me ______ as confirmation.Gideon tried this after God came to him in the form of an angel and he still wasn't sure it was God. If you can't get a clear mental image or thought or sense from His Word, then you can always ask God to release a specific circumstance to confirm what you should do. God didn't rebuke Gideon for asking for confirmation. Instead, he gave him what he asked for and made it perfectly clear what he was to do.4. Should I do _____? Ask the same yes or no question but look for something other than "yes" or "no" as the answer. As I was asking God whether to do this blog or not, I heard, "Think long term." For me, this was the exact word I needed to know I should go forward. It wasn't "yes" or "no", but I knew that the blog had a purpose that went beyond my daily to-do list.If none of these questions work for you, try sitting down with somebody else and listening with them. Sometimes when you both hear something similar, God can confirm what you were already thinking.What is a question that you have used to help discern whether God wants you to do something or not?(If you are having a hard time with the whole idea of asking God such specific questions, read my article on hearing God better through asking questions).


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Hear God More Clearly By Asking Questions - Four-Step Guide