Maximize Your Daily Kingdom Productivity

When you look at your to-do list at the beginning of each day, where is God? Does he care about the process of modifying, prioritizing, and delegating to-do's? Did Jesus even have a to-do list?
Like most people who have to-do lists, I generally review my list at the beginning of the day to make sure I know what I need to accomplish that day (I use Omnifocus for my to-do list management).I was talking to a friend one day about how I was struggling to make time for this daily review, and he said, "Why don't you just do it during your quiet time?" To me, prayer time was sacred, and I wouldn't want to bring a "work" activity into my quiet time.But then I realized that this is one of those collision moments between kingdom and productivity that could help me walk into maximum fruitfulness. This was true kingdomtivity. Any time that we can engage with God when reviewing our action plan, we get closer to living a life of doing only what's on his agenda.If you don't have a to-do list, then I would encourage you to make one. You can use the Getting Things Done method that I use.If you already have a daily to-do list, try reviewing it during your prayer time and asking God the following questions.

Is there anything I am forgetting on this to-do list?

Sometimes there are things on God's agenda that we haven't even thought about. This gives God the opportunity to speak up.

What is the most important item on this list?

Brian Tracy talks about eating the frog, i.e. doing the most important task first. This question can help you discern what to prioritize.

Is there anything on my list that I should ask somebody else to do?

Sometimes your to-do list is full of things that you need to give away. Just because you wrote it down on your list doesn't mean you are the right person for the job.

Is there anything in this list that I shouldn't be doing today or at all?

Jesus says that our yoke is easy and our burden is light. That means that there is always enough time to get done what He is calling us to do. Sometimes He wants to lighten our load and release us from things that we thought we should get done.Even if we go through this process, life will still throw us curveballs. But it's better to review our to-do list in prayer and have an inner sense of what's important and what's not to help us wade through life's endless supply of emergencies.Have you found a better way to pray through your to-do list?


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