Learn how to ask God and people powerful questions

Coaching and listening to God. What do they have to do with each other?This is a question that some of you are asking who have been following Kingdomtivity for the past couple of years.I have the same question!Sometimes I feel a tug, a feeling that I should be writing about something. For a long time, I felt that tug around listening to God (still feeling it). Then I felt compelled to write about coaching, that I need to be equipping others in how to coach. At first, it felt disconnected. I thought, "Maybe this needs its own blog."But then I found a small bridge, tying together the lands of coaching and hearing God. Are you ready for it?Asking powerful questions.Learn to ask questionsYou can ask people powerful questions which will evoke powerful answers from people. You can also ask God powerful questions and get powerful answers from God.The purpose is different.In coaching, you ask questions for the sake of the person being asked, i.e. every question is to help another person raise awareness or solidify action.When you ask God questions, you are asking either to help yourself or to help people around you (vs. asking God a question so that he can better think through the barriers keeping him from his goals).But in either case, you are developing the skill of asking better questions.Consider all the time people spend thinking about how to talk. There are workshops, books, online courses, blogs, and YouTube videos on how to speak better, write better, tweet better, and podcast better.But what would it look like to set your life unto asking better questions, to take a moment before you speak and see if there is a question that you can ask instead.Powerful questions can evoke powerful answers from God and powerful answers from people. Become a person who asks good questions. Learn the skill. Set your mind to develop this tool set.James 1:19 says to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Asking questions is your first step to implementing this concept in your life.I am growing in this skill, and I have learned some helpful lessons along the way. Here are some posts that will help you to learn how to ask better questions:Hear God More Clearly By Asking Questions - Four-Step GuideEmerge from Indecision - How to Hear God for Difficult QuestionsHow to hear God as a leader and not drive people crazyHow to ask God for a picture of the futureFour steps to transform a vague word form God into a clear ideaHow to interpret feelings or impressionsHow to hear God when you feel dreadIncrease creativity through one simple coaching questionHow are you doing at asking questions?


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Improve your listening game. Learn to coach.